
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland "Total Carnage Edition"

Created by Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland

Due to demand of the Core Rulez we are doing a reprint! So packed full of all the stuff you love and then some!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 02:38:18 AM

What's up Neon Maniacs!!!!! Hope you all are having a good week!!!! I know I've been silent on the Kickstarter updates, we have been grinding away at the Total Carnage Edition and boy-o is it something! I am down to laying out the last few pages of the Space Bulk section. Then it gets shipped off for editing while Mus and I finish up the Neon Maniacs Eyes Only Pack!!! A survey will be out soon asking everyone who paid to be added to the Detroit-Prime's Most Wanted List what name they would like to be added!!! My goal is for sure to show off some of the layout but in the meantime here is a PDF of the Noise Thrasher class with the first 2 levels of Spells to start playing with now!!! Mind you the PDF still needs edits! Just wanted to get everyone excited for this book!!!!! Thank you for everything and all the support! I cannot do this without the NEON MANIACS!!!!!!


More art!!!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 06:43:46 PM

Brian and I want this book to be overflowing with content so we are filling every nook and cranny with as much art as possible.

Here are the most recent bits I’ve done. Enjoy :)

More freaks and geeks!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 01:25:23 AM

Evening everyone :) Just finished a few more pieces of filler art for the book. Thought you’d all like to see them.

Hidden in ancient text and reanimated to the future times.
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 08:48:13 AM

Hope you all are having an awesome weekend! If you had time to check out the old PDF I would love to hear what you think and if there is any improvements you would like to see! We are looking into locking in the book and sending it off to print mid Oct so we have plenty of time to shape this book into something even better with your help!!!!! 

Dusting off old Fangoira magazines this weekend I came across this ad:

A quick WIP mock up of the new first page in the book!!! We are going with a VHS genre sticker system to quickly determine what each class is all about! Let me know what you think in the comments below!!!

Lord Randy Be Praised and as always, STAY RAD!!!!


TGIF from Neon HQ
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 02:07:40 AM

As we grind away working on the Total Carnage Edition of the Core Rulez we think you should indulge yourself. That's right, kick off your shoes but your feet up. Sit back and enjoy some vomit punk gonzo RPG goodness!!! If you are new to the Neon Maniacs here is a link to the first edition of the core rules!! Let you get an idea of the madness you have signed up for!!!! Plus maybe run some games! Either way here is the link:

If you need anything else to play let me know! Also, come hang out on the Discord server or over on the Facebook group! Always something going on!

The link has all the info!!! Thank you again for all the support!!! Lord Randy be Praised!!!

Stay Rad!
