
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland "Total Carnage Edition"

Created by Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland

Due to demand of the Core Rulez we are doing a reprint! So packed full of all the stuff you love and then some!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping down under.
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 12:59:54 PM

It has come to my attention that the Manicas down under have gotten the shaft again. I sent off books to someone for them to aid me in the fulfillment process, but I have not heard back from them. Currently loading up the rest to ship out myself. The end is near, these books will make it to you!


Final Shipping
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 08:59:37 AM

Here is the update on all the moving pieces to the final remaining shipping.

The Canadian fulfillment company fell through as the books and stretch goals were on their way to Canada so everything has returned to me. Now I will just mail them out myself, they are getting packed and prepped as we speak. 

Euro books have been sent off to the Euro fulfillment company. They should be being sent out here soon. Awaiting on an email confirmation on this. 

Aus and NZ. Shipping them out in conjunction with the Canadian books until I find a good Aus contact. 

I do apologize for how slow this is taking, but being a one-person operation has it's downfalls. Books and awesome goodies will make it to everyone who is waiting for the neon goodness. 

Super close to the end!

Thanks for all the support and understanding in the slow nature of the process. 


Nov Update
12 months ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 06:31:41 AM

First things first, the international books are off! Allow some time as they are going to fulfillment services in the areas to do the local heavy lifting. If books are missing or orders are wrong please let me know and we will work on getting things right! 

Posters are getting made as well as missing dice backs at the moment. So expect them in the near future! 

If you missed the Riders of the Burpwarp/Warpshine Runnerz campaign and you want to get into that sweet action here is the link to the preorder link.

THE FUTURE! If you like what we are doing there is some good stuff in the works! Feb 2024 We are launching the Kickstarter for miniatures for Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland! Stay tuned for all the awesome stuff that will be revealed for the minis campaign!

Here is a sneak peek at the prototypes sculpted by Sol Blair!

Thanks for sticking it out and hope you are enjoying your books!

Lord Randy Be Praised!!


OCT Update and International Shipping!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:25:04 AM

We are coming to the bitter end of the Total Carnage Edition as the international books are getting sent out between now and the end of next week! I am aware of some boxes in the US that didn't make it to the Neon Maniacs, they are getting replaced and shipped as well! All the Neon Maniacs will have their slimy hands on the Total Carnage Edition just in time for the next crazy Kickstarter! Stay Tuned!


Sept Update. Shipping and New Kickstarter
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 09, 2023 at 01:21:31 PM

Welp it took longer than expected, but all United States pledges are out the door! Don't worry international, you are right behind them. Got all the fulfillment people in place and am about to ship them off the stuff to complete all non-USA backers. So look for stuff here within the next month. Shipping is the bane of my existence and slowly I am getting the right connections to help future projects run more smoothly... speaking of future projects.

The latest Kickstarter has 4 days left!

Riders of the Burpwarp brings 11+ new classes to Neon Lords, as well as some other cool bits while Warpshine Runnerz is a Hickscrawl setting/supplement dealing with cannibal mutant hillbillies.  You will get your Total Carnage Edition will be at your doorstep soon, so why not jump on these dope books to add to your new collection? At least head over to the page and check out the video!!

Thank you for all the support and understanding as I fulfill/fulfilled this project during a major life event.  Rest assured that future projects will ship way faster and smoother! Lots to come in the future and I am happy to have you along for the ride! 

