
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland "Total Carnage Edition"

Created by Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland

Due to demand of the Core Rulez we are doing a reprint! So packed full of all the stuff you love and then some!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Temp Tats and Smoke Tests
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 04:48:31 PM

I hope everyone is enjoying their Total Carnage PDF! I'm still sending out codes so if you are still waiting it will be there soon! Two quick items the fun stuff first:


One of the goals met was temp tats! Each backer will get two of these awesome Rude-Rob E tats!!! Super awesome and can't wait to see what the Neon Maniacs come up with!

Smoke Screen backerkit surveys are out!!! Once we get them back and everything looks good we can lock in them orders and start getting everything ready for when the final pieces come to Neon Lords HQ we can hit the fulfillment running!! In the meantime have a good weekend and let me know what ya think of the Total Carnage Edition so far!!



April update.
over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 03:46:25 PM

We are coming close to the end! Still waiting on the massive shipment of books. The printers emailed me and said they should be delivered next week! In the meantime we are still waiting on a TON of the extra bits to make it here. As they come I will post pictures and post more often now as we come into things happening! The big thing to make it here finally was the POGs, Slammers, and Carrying Tubes!


As they are getting built I'm sure you have seen the call for DrivethruRPG emails to get the PDFs out! They are all hyperlinked and ready to be checked out! As the emails come in i will be sending out the codes tonight! I would love to know what you think when you get a chance to look it over! The survey itself is a mess and should go live sometime next week as we come into Easter weekend! 

BLKRNBW is still hard at work hand making all the awesome stuff so expect updates on that front here soon!

Mustafa has been hard at work with the character designs and has a couple left that we will be in contact with!

Lots to come and can't wait to get this stuff out to all the rabid Neon Maniacs!

Lord Randy Be PRAISED!


Update for March
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 07:34:49 PM

An update.

Books are on a boat still.

BLKRNBW is making the shirts, posters, patches, dice bags, hats, and all the cool BLKRNBW stuff.

POGs are on the way.

Tattoos are here but wanted to do a cool reveal with the other stretch stuff.

Space Bulk about to head to printers.

We are in the late stages of the campaign where it's just getting the stuff. Still on track to ship in mid April.

Feb Update!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 04:40:42 AM

It's been a bit quiet on the Neon Lords front, but an update has been requested! 


And they look amazing! I got a video from the factory of how they look and you will LOVE it! I would post the video but lots of secrets are revealed in the video so for now I'll keep it secret. That is until I alter the video to show of the awesome stuff....stay tuned.

Expect a survey real soon that asks what size shirt you need, if you ordered one, so BLKRNBW can get them printed. They have been hard at work making all the cool stuff offered in the campaign!

All the other stuff that needed to be made/printed are getting sent to production and will be back in time for the April projection of shipping!

When the rest of the stuff come in, expect more updates. We are in a weird spot of the campaign where we wait for stuff to start rolling in.

Thanks for all the support and stay RAD!

Lord Randy Be Praised!



Got the video mentioned above done quick.

Elodin's Item and Spell Cards Kickstarter!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 03, 2023 at 06:13:04 PM

Neon Maniacs! Good friends of the Toxic Wastelands have a Kickstarter

 starting soon for Item and Spell cards for 5e! The look awesome! Here is the info if it is something you would be interested in! Stay tuned for a proper Neon Lords update!!